Sunday, April 6, 2014

So we start our last chemo round on Monday! Last couple of weeks have gone pretty smooth! The Picture above is of Myra and I as Desi would say "thuggin it up" at an easter egg hunt put on by our good friend Kenny Parcell! The kids were disappointed they didn't win anything, but they came away with some candy so they were good with that! 
Mateen's Jr high play this year was Thoroughly Modern Millie. It was so fun to watch him. It took our mind off of other things going on. Here are a few picture from that night!

As I try to prepare my kids for what is coming I don't think they truly understand what I will have to go through! It breaks my heart to know I will have to be stuck in the hospital without seeing them for a while. WE all shed a few tears the other night as we told them I'll be in the hospital for a while! I know I won't have to worry about them because Grandma and Grandpa will be here holding down the fort. I will just miss them lots!
Good news came back from the PET scan! The chemo is doing what it needs to in order for the transplant to take place, so we continue to pray that this last round will kill even more of what it needs to! They will give me a week break after chemo, than go right into the next phase of the transplant. Bone marrow biopsy and collecting the stem cells! This will require many trips back and forth to LDS hospital until we get the amount of stem cells we need.
My dad did the total for the I'm calling it "50k Ali's Way!" exercise miles! For those of you doing "Miles for Ali", we just went over 11,000 miles this am. Looking like we should have called it "100K for Ali." Thanks for the incredible support. 
You guys are all amazing! Thanks for all you do! There is someone to thank daily for blessing us in some way or another! 
I know the real fight is yet to come! Lots of emotions, but I find I truly have to be patient in all of this. I am the type of person to just do everything and get it over with! I can't do that with this! Everything has an order that I have to follow. There is a process to follow! This is a lot like life. We can't just run through it. If we want to get the most out of life we truly have to be patient in different moments of our life. We will get more out of life if we look at each moment as a learning experience. It is hard in the moment to be patient or to look for a teaching moment. But if we stop to look we can see and find things that will make us greater and stronger than we were before! 

1 comment:

  1. You are truly an inspiration to all of us.My heart sincerely hurts for you, "my brother", and the kids. You are in my prayers every day. You are so much stronger than I ever could be. I KNOW God lives. And I KNOW he loves you Ali. I wish I knew why some are dealt the hand they are. It doesn't seem quite fair. Many, many prayers and hugs. Love you guys!

    Aimee Robbins (ur sista )
