So it's been a while since I've posted. So much has happened these last few month. I continue to thank the Lord for the tender mercies and miracles in my life. It's been a challenge trying to deal with the aftermath emotions. I can understand the fear people face when they need to change behaviors in their life. When you have lived a certain way your whole life ( even if it's dysfunctional) you are familiar with it, and to change means uncertain territory. You have to rewire behaviors, thoughts, and actions. And it sucks at times. But with these changes came many blessings and understanding I didn't have before. I found a recent quote the other day that brought me to tears. It goes " I love the person I've become, because I fought to become her." If we are striving to be a better person or looking for relief from those things we know are weighing us down, we have to change. We have to face those realities and weaknesses that are keeping us from reaching our potential, and then figure out how to overcome them. I'm so grateful for a patient husband, forgiving children, and family and friends who have loved me in spite of my challenges and frailties.

My year "cell-abation" was May 23rd. I was supposed to have a year check up with them. I didn't hear from them at all in May and part of me was hoping maybe I would get overlooked, but alas they contacted me and I do my testing this week and meet with the doctors next week to discuss the results. Anxiety, anxiety, and more anxiety have been my reality these last couple weeks. So how am I coping, well the day after my PET scan (June 18th), I will be doing the ragnar relay the next day the 19th and 20th. I will end up running 3 different times with my mileage close to 20 for those 2 days. I will also be running a half-marathon the next weekend the 23rd. I've dedicated both of these races to my dear friends and loved ones who have bravely fought cancer or who are courageously fighting right now. You are my true heroes, the ones I look up to, the ones who know how to battle when the going gets tough! So here's to Hammy, Jenny, Adrienne, Sabrina, Grandma Booker, Aunt Connie, Jacob, Dezmon, Lena, Holli, Bonnie, Kumen, and any other dear friends who aren't posted because my brain doesn't work like it used to. Some have passed on, but I hope and pray they will be with me in spirit!
Get ready for major picture overload! I'll try to put them in order best I can! Warning this may be overwhelming for some. I'm stalling because I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it!
I'm going to post a few pictures of our last few months and want to keep this blog updated a little better!
This is what happens when your 9 year old gets a hold of your phone to take selfies!! |
We had the opportunity to see the Payson Temple Dedicated and Myra and Mateen participated in the cultural celebration. They are in the "Take me out to the ball game" dance, front and center on the 50 yard line right in front of the apostles! |
She found my phone again! Another batch of random selfies!! |
While they slept! Naughty our elf had a little fun with their stuffed animals!! |
Lomax Christmas 2015! It snowed about a foot Christmas Day! It was a perfect Christmas Day! Except that I got stuck in a ditch the day after Christmas trying to meet up with a friend to go running! |
Sinterklaas gave us a visit this year!! |
The Forgotten Carols |
Myra practicing photography this last fall! |
Halloween: Taytum was Gabby Douglas the Olympic Gymnast, Tremaine was a hamburger ,and Desi, Mateen, and Mateen's friend Jordan were the Decontaminaton Team from Monsters Inc. |
BYU football game! |
Thanksgiving 10K |
Taytum's picture's consist of birthday, cookies with mom, birthday party at the planetarium, track meet (she won the 200 for the city, and she was 2nd in the 100!), doing gymnastics, and farm camp, and her wonderful 3rd grade teachers ( Mrs. McEntire and Mrs. Hales)!

School pictures 2014-2015

Family trips to the planetarium, Bean museum, and Boondocks (waterslide park)!
Tremaine's pictures: His teacher the amazing Mrs. Andersen, his track meet (he's the speedy one in the yellow), reading his DARE essay he received recognition for, his 5th grade science experiment was who makes the best Root Beer!, his 11th birthday, and some pictures of his journey to receiving his black belt this May 2015.

A family favorite! Went to the thrift store and picked shnazzy outfits out walked around walmart then went to the movies! Good times |

Desi got to meet the one, the only Ray Lewis! He even had front for seats to listen to him speak! Desi was like a kid in a candy store! HE was beyond excited! |

Mateen's 15th birthday, he's mastering the rubix cube, got his learners permit (heaven help us)! Found a weird looking tortilla chip, saw Ed Shereen for his birthday, got a guitar and still enjoys being a thespian!

We did a few hikes this year, This one is the Y and we also hiked up to the hot pots. They got to sit in warm sulfur water!! |
Myra, Myra, Myra this girl has personality for days!! She got a big bag of popcorn for her 16th birthday, drivers permit, learned a little ball room dancing, played a game of basketball with her mom (it was so awesome), went to Prom with her good friend Austin, and last picture is her girls camp sight down in Moab! They went repelling, hiking, and rafting! Was an exciting adventurous week for her! |
Spent time with Doug's family at Christmas time! We had a blast crammed into our little house! I can't figure out how to get this picture back where I want it so this is random last picture!
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